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The End – Online Bible Studies

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The End | how to read, understand, and celebrate biblical prophecy

Good stories are all about the ending, and God has prepared an amazing conclusion to the story of humanity. Too often, what God intended as a blessing, his people misread and misuse. It becomes a topic of confusion and sometimes even conflict. But when read right, the way God intended, prophecy provides encouraging hope for the future.


1. Profitable Prophecy

Series: The End.
Good stories are all about the ending. And no story has an ending as climatic as that written for us in the Bible. In the concluding verses of Scripture, Jesus, the main character of the entire book, announces a sequel to human existence. One without suffering, sorrow, and sin. Handled right, prophecy can bring us much hope. But if it is handled wrong, prophecy can be very dangerous.
Discussion Questions:
  • The Gospel is presented as the first priority (1 Cor 15:1-5). What does it mean that the news about what God has done on the cross trumps all other news, including the news about what he is going to do next?
  • Have you encountered people who were very passionate about how, or when, “the end” would occur? What problems has this created?
  • How does knowing the Jesus has promised to return bring you hope? How does it change your attitude or actions?


2. The Purpose of Prophecy

Series: The End.
Good stories are all about the ending. And no story has an ending as climatic as that written for us in the Bible. In the concluding verses of Scripture, Jesus, the main character of the entire book, announces a sequel to human existence. One without suffering, sorrow, and sin. Handled right, prophecy can bring us much hope. But if it is handled wrong, prophecy can be very dangerous.
Discussion Questions:
  • The Gospel is presented as the first priority (1 Cor 15:1-5). What does it mean that the news about what God has done on the cross trumps all other news, including the news about what he is going to do next?
  • Have you encountered people who were very passionate about how, or when, “the end” would occur? What problems has this created?
  • How does knowing the Jesus has promised to return bring you hope? How does it change your attitude or actions?


3. The Road Ahead

Series: The End.
Like any good storyteller, God uses foreshadowing. There is much we do not know and there is a great deal of suspense in this narrative, but we know that followers of Christ have a lot to look forward to. As we continue in our study “The End.” we learn that prophecy is God making history more clear.
Discussion Questions:
  • We use lines to guides us on the road ahead. Line on the road and lines on the map. Which is the most important? How is prophecy a like lines on the road ahead? How is prophecy like lines on a map?
  • Scripture makes it clear what is going to happen. But God has been a little less clear on exactly how, when, and in what order. Why do you think some Christians get side-tracked discussing things that God has not made clear?
  • Using prophecy like lines in a road, how might the 6 aspects of the second coming effect how we live today? For example, how does knowing about the sudden-someday rapture of God’s people change how we live out and share the Gospel right now?


Bonus: Promise Kept, Just Not How You Expected

In Psalm 91, God’s Word promises; “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” This is a tremendous promise for us today. But its greatest guarantee can only be appreciated if we understand what it means.
Discussion Questions:
  • How do you think about problems when they occur in light of biblical promises? Do you most often blame yourself, God, or the Devil when bad things happen?
  • What is your favorite promise from Scripture?
  • Go read that verse in its original context. Who was he speaking to and what was he promising to them? Do the verses around it change your understanding of what God was saying?